Event Lead: Graeme Roberts
Tournament Director: Elaine Hazell
Tournament Manager: Peter Freer
Tournament Referee: Liz Fleming
Secretary: Ruth McKean
Treasurer: Graham Keating
8:00 AM
Monday 17th to Wednesday 19th February 2025.
Thursday 20th February to Sunday 23rd February.
The latest editions of the Rules at the time of the event (currently Edition 6, 2022) and any Official Rulings on the Rules of Golf Croquet that may be issued prior to the commencement of the event, will be used.
These are anticipated to be 11-12 Plummers in speed. The courts do not have lighting, however, at this time of year there is thirteen (13) hours of daylight.
Dawson International Balls
Quadway, set to WCF Tournament standards
The format will be block play followed by a knock-out Championship.
Full details of the format will be published in the specific Event
Regulations prior to the event.
Live streaming will be available every day of the competition commencing on 17th February.
There is a variety of accommodation available in Launceston, ranging from the very basic to the higher end of the market. Options will be listed on this website.